Do you have questions about what to expect when taking part in our research? Listed below are frequently asked questions from parents who have taken part in previous research. If your question is not listed here, just get in touch with us!
Is my child the right age for any ongoing studies?
Our lab will soon be looking for children aged between 7 and 17. Contact us if you want to take part or hear more! You can get in touch with us here with any questions or with your details so that we can contact you for future planned projects.
How long does a lab visit take?
The timing of lab visits can vary depending on which study you are taking part in. Our most recent lab-based study for infants up to 20 months old usually took approximately 2 hours, allowing time to ask questions and take breaks.
Will I ever be separated from my child if I visit the lab?
You will be with your child at all times. For example, one of our recent studies involved interacting with a research psychologist on a play mat while parents observe (see below for a picture!). For eye-tracking or EEG tasks, young children can either sit on your lap or in a comfortable chair.
Can I bring my other children who are not taking part in any research?
Absolutely! There are plenty of toys and entertainment and our team will be happy to entertain your other children with games and colouring books.
What if my child gets tired during a visit?
We are very flexible as we know that sometimes young children will get tired. This is very normal! We can finish up at any time or take breaks so that your child can have a snack/nap and we can get you a coffee!
How do I sign up/schedule a visit?
If you are interested in participating in any of our studies with your child, please click here to enter your details. You can also phone us at (01)7168410 (please leave a message and we will return your call) or send an email to the contact person of the study you are interested in. We are always happy to provide further details on any of our studies!
Where can I park in UCD?
Parking in UCD until September 10th is free, except for the premium spots (marked in yellow). Download a map of UCD here for more information or send us an email for further parking guidance!
Are there bathrooms and baby-changing facilities close by?
Yes - just ask!
Will my child be diagnostically assessed in any lab research?
No. Our studies do not assess or evaluate individual children’s progress so we cannot provide you with any feedback on your child’s development. Research gathered from your child is combined with with data from other children so we can investigate general developmental processes.
Can you let me know how my child performed?
We do not diagnose children with any of the research tests that we use, but we would be delighted to show you what your child’s data looks like. For example, we can show you what their sleep pattern data looks like, what their eye gaze output looks like, or what their brain wave data looks like during or after a session. We find this very interesting so we are always more than happy to explain what we are looking at with you! We can also explain what cognitive skills our behavioural measures are tapping into as we go along.
Will I find out the results of the research?
We will notify our followers on our social media pages when results are published in academic journals or shared at conferences. We also make online resources (see here for an example) to share our findings in an easily-accessible way!
What if my child is ill on the day or we change our mind after we have scheduled a visit?
That is no problem. Just get in touch to let us know!
I have other questions, who do I ask?
Feel free to contact us on Twitter or Facebook, or via email (listed with each research project here). We are always happy to answer any and all questions you may have!